
pygls (pronounced like “pie glass”) is a generic implementation of the Language Server Protocol written in the Python programming language. It allows you to write your own language server in just a few lines of code

from pygls.lsp.server import LanguageServer
from lsprotocol import types

server = LanguageServer("example-server", "v0.1")

def completions(params: types.CompletionParams):
    document = server.workspace.get_document(params.text_document.uri)
    current_line = document.lines[params.position.line].strip()

    if not current_line.endswith("hello."):
        return []

    return [

if __name__ == "__main__":

pygls supports

  • Python 3.8+ on Windows, MacOS and Linux

  • STDIO, TCP/IP and WEBSOCKET communication

  • Both sync and async styles of programming

  • Running code in background threads

  • Automatic text and notebook document syncronisation

The documentation is divided up into the following sections

Getting Started

First steps with pygls.

How To Guides

Short, focused articles on how to acheive a particular outcome

API Reference

Comprehensive, detailed documentation on all of the features provided by pygls.